join the sisterhood of

The Just Married Jacket YVR

It all began with Sylvia of Via Calligraphy, one stylish Toronto bride who wanted to add an edgy something extra to her wedding.  She had no idea she would start a sisterhood with international reach.  Since her wedding in 2016, the original #justmarriedjacket has been worn by over 50 brides (and counting) and her project has expanded to cities around the world!

Now Vancouver brides can join the sisterhood and borrow the #JustMarriedJacketYVR!

Photo: Erin Bishop

How do I borrow The Jacket?

  1. Check your Dates (Select the Wednesday before your wedding date, until the Tuesday after).
  2. Fill in the Request Form.
  3. Trade a nice bottle of wine in exchange for the jacket.
  4. Enjoy & Return!
Erica Miller Photography
Erica Miller Photography

What if my dates aren’t available?

You are welcome to fill out the form below and get on the waitlist for a particular date.  Feel free to check back to see if your dates free up.

[contact-form to=”” subject=”#TheJustMarriedJacketYVR WaitList”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Wedding Date” type=”date” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]



What size is #TheJustMarriedJacketYVR jacket?

It’s a ZARA Medium.

How long can I keep #TheJustMarriedJacketYVR for?

Each booking is for one week, from Wednesday to Tuesday.

Will you ship #TheJustMarriedJacketYVR jacket outside of Vancouver?

At this time, #TheJustMarriedJacketYVR is solely available to those who can come pick up and drop off the jacket.

Where do I pick up and return the jacket?

The #JustMarriedJacketYVR can be picked up and returned to my private studio in East Vancouver.

What if I’m not in Vancouver?

Not to worry, the sisterhood is still growing!  @TheJustMarriedJacket currently has chapters in Toronto (obvi), New York, Philadelphia, London & Montreal, with more cities launching in the very near future.

@TheJustMarriedJacket cannot be replicated, as a way to keep the idea authentic and true to its roots. However if you would like your very own lettered leather jacket, I would be happy to create something custom just for you.