Lex’s Show & Share
Okay, LexyLou has called for a Show & Share …so here goes nothing.
The Rules: Show and Share
Pick out a photo from your recent (or not so recent) past. Any photo. Easy right? Now for the catch: You gotta be in it & it has to have significance to you (ie, a story to it)…and you need to share the photo & the story with us. =) Dun dun dun.
Meet XTScene Lé. She was notorious for dancing in the cage @ a certain Vancouver night spot. She only wore half-shirts (top half or front half), rarely a whole shirt. She always had a great time and she loved to dance. Yes, this was me, once upon a time…pre-children. And yes, that’s my now-husband with me, the year we started dating.
We’ve come a long way. LOL.
Ha! Love it Le. Love how we are half naked in our shot’s when we first started dating our soon to be hubbies… Ahhh, pre-children days
What a great idea! I love seeing pics from the past. You were hot, girl. LOL I guess I was too back in the day……that’s what kids do for ya, well, at least me! lmao You still look great! Thanks for sharing.