baby-mania (aka: the bridesmaid jinx)

During the early stages of wedding planning in September 2004, I had a maid of honor (Ms. L. – my sister) and a bridesmaid (Mrs. K. – my best friend). I needed a third gal to match up with my honey’s groomsmen, so naturally I asked my good friend Mrs. H., (who lives in Japan) to be the 2nd bridesmaid. She gleefully accepted and all was well.

December 2004: I get an email from Mrs. H. “Dear LeLe, I’m pregnant!!! I’d still love to be your bridesmaid but my due date it Aug. 01st…” My wedding was scheduled for July 31st! Cutting it a bit close wasn’t she? Although she would’ ve made a loveley pregnant bridesmaid, I relieved her of her bridesmaids duties so she could focus on having a healthy baby in Japan. Besides, you’re not allowed to fly when you’re pregnant are you?

So on to Plan B: My 19 y/o cousin Ms. L. in Maryland. Her family came to visit for Christmas & I asked her to be my 2nd bridesmaid. She gleefully accepted and all was well.

February 2005: Ms. L. messages me on Yahoo. “Ate Le, don’t be mad…I can’t be your bridesmaid. I’m pregnant, baby’s due in Sept…” Seriously??? And then the kicker: “I know this is sudden, but I’m getting married April 30th & I want you to be my maid of honor.” Not only am I out another bridesmaid, but now I’m searching all over town for a lavender dress & booking tickets to Baltimore! But I love my cousin and she had a beautiful wedding. Soon I’ll be the godmother of her daughter…if only her daughter would come out of the womb already!!!

Thus, Plan C: My good friend Ms. N. Now, Ms. N. helped plan the wedding from the get-go, so she new about the bridesmaid trouble I was having. When I asked her to be my 2nd bridesmaid, her response was “Oh no LeLe, now I’m gonna get pregnant!” It appears this 2nd bridesmaid position was now considered a jinx/blessing in disguise? I laugh and tell her that’s ridiculous. It was all just a coincidence…right? Thankfully Ms. N. accepted, and all was well.

It was a wonderful wedding and I had a 3 beautiful ladies standing by my side that day. No more news of babies to come…until…

August 2005: My husband comes home from work, looks at me, then quickly puts his hand over his mouth. Strange… So I ask him, “What’s up?” His response: “I have a secret that I’m not suppose to tell you, but I can’t keep secrets from you!” I laugh at his sweetness and sincerity, then I tell him to spill it.

The big news? Ms. N. is pregnant!!!! It appears that neither Ms. N’s man, nor my hubby, could keep a secret. They found out about the little blessing 2 weeks after the wedding.

That’s 3 for 3. Is it just me, or does this just seem like too much? It’s like my 2nd bridesmaid position makes women pregnant! Craziness.

MayuUpdate on the bridesmaids: Mrs. H. gave birth to a handsome little boy, Yuji Wes Hasegawa, on August 13th (that’s her & Yuji in the pic). Ms. L. is still waiting to pop. And Ms. N.? Her journey is just beginning but we are all so excited!!! It’s baby season all right . Who’s next?

6 5 Meet my beautiful new god-daughter, Karael Pantoja Tayag!

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