Intro – Mrs. C.

So people keep asking me the same thing over & over…how’s married life? Having experienced a whopping 20 days of married life, I highly doubt I’d be able to give an educated response. Instead, I give you the marriage advice given to Allan & I, by couples celebrating either their 25th or 50th wedding anniversaries,…

8 days…???

seriously, where did the time go? 8 days and everything changes…or does it? new name, new chapter, new beginnings…doesn’t mean out with the old though. memories will be cherished, loved ones will remain, home is still where the heart is. everything changes and nothing changes…8 days…

No worry, no cry

I might say I don’t care what people think, but words still hurt and I’m not made of stone. This is supposed to be the happiest time of my life, and instead you bring me this drama? Instead you judge me? Instead you say I’ve changed and am too much of a “princess”? Reality check,…

Home sweet home

Yes, today is the official day we take possession of our new home. Our belongings are now neatly tucked in boxes & bags, packing went off without a hitch just as I anticipated. You think that’d get my fiance to relax, but no. Now he’s worrying about the actual move on saturday, unpacking all the…

Worry not worry wart!

My fiance, I love him but he drives me crazy!!! Everyone handles stress differently. My fiance is the classic worry wart. He’ll get paranoid worrying about anything and everything under the sun! For example, these are probably the things he’s obsessing about in his brain @ this very moment: – we’re moving tomorrow & we’re…

Life in a box.

I have the day off so my fiance gave me a few simple tasks to do: 1 – do the dishes in the sink (no problem) 2 – get groceries (no problem) 3 – make dinner (no problem) 4 – pack up us much as possible (oy) The fourth one I’m dreading…I hate packing!!! In…